

親愛的比特幣人 一封樂觀的信,致給全球朋友和對頭。 原著: Dergigi 當下世界的瘋狂多變雖已讓我們目不暇給,但我並不擔心。相反的,我竟出奇樂觀;無他,因我有比特幣,同時也有你們。 咱們雖大都不認識,但就算從未見過或只見過幾次面,我還是有幸認識你們其中一些人,甚至有幾個交情還相當深。我讀過你們的作品,看過你們辯論,見過你們的創作,也無數次聽過你們的聲音。我不管你認為自己是比特幣人,或是比特幣鐵粉,又或者是其他什麼東東。我也不管你是否在多年前已上車,抑或最近才瞄見平頭哥風采(註:比特幣又稱平頭哥)。當然,對我來說,你的政治理念、性取向、宗教信仰、性別、年齡或其他框住你的属性也無關痛癢。我看重的是你此刻正讀着本文,心裏想着比特幣,關心比特幣。這足已令我十分激動。 對比特幣人充滿信心! Matt Odell 比特幣的影響是如此深遠,所帶來的創新是如此巨大,讓人嘆為觀止。它所牽涉到的廣泛專業層面吸引了來自各行各業的專家學者:電腦科學,加密算法,數學,物理,經濟學,金融,交易,工程等等。這些既有個性又熱忱,有諸多想法又執著于創造更完美世界的行家們,我們統稱為比特幣人。 平頭哥不Care 但事實上,我們並非無可替代。就算完全換一批人,它的獎賞制度也會確保整個比特幣網絡照常運行。 我們目前所面對的金融危機(和它所帶來的後遺症)將使我們認清一個事實,原來我們是如此需要比特幣。所以我們絕對不能懈怠。我們必須時刻關心,不停建造,持續教育普羅大眾。為此我們不能懈怠,停下腳步即意謂著一灘死水。 別問比特幣能為你做什麼,要問你能為它做什麼。 Adam Back 不論你能編程序,寫作,教導,參與討論,記錄,創作,甚或只是單純持有;這些貢獻無疑都非常棒!但同時請記得,比特幣大于所有人。事實上,我可以斗膽說,傳統金融體系將因比特幣而崩蹋。 比特幣的確可以為我們根治眼下腐敗體系所衍生的種種弊端,但我們也需要大量的'親自由科技'以贏得這場戰爭;這些技術可不受限地賦予個人自主權,保障隱私及加密安全。 輕輕的托 此時正當瘟疫肆虐,全球數以萬計人死亡,失業的更是數以百萬計;人們關注的也從生活銷事轉為如何活下去。在此苦難時刻,低調輕托尤為重要。我們也許時不時會在飯桌上對家人或朋友過份狂熱地分享比特幣。但我更相信,不論是由於需要或出自好奇,每個人都會有各自的頓悟時刻。沒錯,大家對它的接受度在...

What Will Happen If Biden and Dems Win? 如果拜登和民主黨勝出將怎樣?

2021~2024: Biden and Dems will reverse all anti-CCP (China Communist Party) EOs that Trump has put in place and more. This will result in: America rejoining WHO, all tariffs on China goods will be lifted, end of US-Sino cold war; lifting bans on Chinese companies/apps and allowing full blown CCP infiltration and Socialism/Marxism indoctrination among Americans; military weakening due to greatly reduced budget allocation; military pulling out from South China Sea and elsewhere, leaving allies like Taiwan, ASEAN, Japan, South Korea and India to stand on its own; rapid technology transfer to China and mounting trade deficit in US; America will depend on China more than before so much so that CCP can control Americans with ease. 2021~2030: As a result of Biden and Dems actions, CCP will now: be world no. 1 economy, with digital CNY replacing USD as world dominant currency; be military giant with advanced weaponary at its disposal; attack and conquer Taiwan, formally take over South China S...

Power Tower 3 and Up Arrows

3↑3 or 3↑ 1 3 = 3 3 = 3×3×3 = 27 3↑↑3 or 3↑ 2 3 = 3↑3↑3 = 3 3 3  , with 3 floors of 3's = 3 27 = 7,625,597,484,987 3↑↑↑3 or 3↑ 3 3 = 3↑↑3↑↑3 = 3↑↑(3 3 3  ) = 3↑3↑ ... 3↑3, with 3 3 3  of 3's = 3 3 . . 3 3   }  3 3 3  floors of 3's = 3 3 . . 3 3   }  7,625,597,484,987 floors of 3's 3↑↑↑↑3 or 3↑ 4 3 (= G(1), first layer of Graham's number) = 3↑↑↑3↑↑↑3 = 3↑↑3↑↑ ... 3↑↑3 , with 3↑↑↑3 or 3↑ 3 3 of 3's = 3 3 . . 3 3   }  3 3 . . 3 3   }  ... 3 3 . . 3 3   }  3 3 . . 3 3   }  3 3 3  , with 3↑↑↑3 or 3↑ 3 3 of power tower  3 3 . . 3 3  's 3↑↑↑↑↑3 or 3↑ 5 3 = 3↑↑↑↑3↑↑↑↑3 = 3↑↑↑3↑↑↑ ... 3↑↑↑3, with 3↑↑↑↑3 of 3's = L1 ⤋ L2 ⤋ L3 ⤋ ... (with L1 of L's), where L1 = 3↑↑↑↑3; and L2 = 3 3 . . 3 3   }  3 3 . . 3 3   }  ... 3 3 . . 3 3   }  3 3 . . 3 3   }  3 3 3  , with L1 of power tower  3 3 . . 3 3  's; and so on. ⤋denotes left va...

Nest Ordinals with Functions

This will enhance the ordinals expansion greatly as they are currenyly expanded based on multiplication and exponentiation only. Part I: Up Arrow & Ordinals for Sequential Functions The up arrow notation can be added to ordinals in the form of f α↑ k β (n), where f is FGH fundamental sequence function, where k and n are positive integers; α and β are ordinals. Similar to expansion of ordinals, α↑ k β is right associative (expanding from right to left). f α↑ k β+1 (n) = f ...(((α↑ k β)↑ k β)↑ k β)... (n) (with n copies of ↑ k 's). All other rules shall follow the rules of Up Arrow and the rules of ordinal expansion. Examples: f ω↑ω (2) = f ω↑2 (2) = f ω 2 (2) = ... f ω↑↑ω (2) = f ω↑↑2 (2) = f ω ω (2) = f ω 2 (2) = ... f ω↑↑(ω+1) (2) = f ((ω↑↑ω)↑↑ω) (2) = f ((ω↑↑ω)↑↑2) ((2) = ... f ε 0 ↑↑↑ε 0 (2) = f ε 0 ↑↑↑ ω ω (2) = f ε 0 ↑↑↑ ω 2 (2) = f ε 0 ↑↑↑ ω2 (2) = f ε 0 ↑↑↑ω+ω (2) = f ε 0 ↑↑↑ω+2 (2) = f ((ε 0 ↑↑↑ω+1)↑↑↑ω+1) (2) = f ((...

Infinity Scrapers

This is the summary of six fastest growing functions I built, using existing fast growing functions, nested ordinals and notation ↥ . Enjoy! Part I: Nest Ordinals with Up Arrows 1.1- For ordinals ɑ, β, γ, δ and κ; positive integers a, b, c and d: The basic form is a↑ ɑ b and always expand from right to left. β↑γ# = β γ# (γ# denotes expressions of γ expansion in +, * and ^), e.g. β↑(γ+1) = β γ+1 .  β↑(γ 2 +γ) = β γ 2 +γ = β γ 2 *β γ . β↑ c+1 b = β↑ c β↑ c ... β↑ c β (with b copies of β). a↑ ɑ+1 b = a↑ ɑ a↑ ɑ ... a↑ ɑ a (with b copies of a's). β↑ ɑ+1 b = β↑ ɑ β↑ ɑ ... β↑ ɑ β (with b copies of β's). a↑ β↑ ɑ γ+1 b = a↑  ...(((β↑ ɑ γ)↑ ɑ γ)↑ ɑ γ)...  b (with b copies of ↑ ɑ γ 's). a↑ κ↑ δ β↑ ɑ γ+1 b = a↑ κ↑ δ ...(((β↑ ɑ γ)↑ ɑ γ)↑ ɑ γ)... b (with b copies of ↑ ɑ γ 's). All other rules shall follow the rules of Up Arrow  and the rules of ordinal collapsing. Define T(δ,d) = ...δ↑ δ↑ δ δ δ... (with d floors; both δ and d are ...

Bitcoin: the Catalyst that Accelerates Us to Type 1 Civilization

1. Background In near infinitely vast cosmic scope, human civilization is indeed very young. We as earthlings are indulged in neverending pursuit of material needs while advancing our civilization, but do we have a way to gauge how advenced our civilization is? What is the potential of mankind and how far can we go? In 1964, a Russian astronomer, Kardashev proposed a method of measuring a civilization's level of technological advancement based on the amount of energy they are able to utilize. Futurists and Scientists have since modified the original three types to various versions with different definitions. The most concise one is described below. Type 0 - From primitive hunting lifestyle to partial usage of home planetary energy such as wood or fossil fuel fire, this type is the beginning of a civilization. Population ranged from a few thousands to a few billions, energy consumption is between 10^6 to 10^15 W, with cities scattered around coastal area. Obviously all ...

Bitcoin: A Reserve Better Than Gold

History of Fiat Currency “Money has been essential part of human history for the last 3,000 years. In isolation it has no worth; whether it's a minted metal coin or a piece of paper with a historic icon on it, the true value of money comes from its use as medium of exchange and measurement of wealth.” Money in the beginning form of shells has been changed to silver and gold to modern paper form, reflecting the need and development of each financial stage. Paper money was initially backed by gold as people were not confident in face value carried by a piece of paper; thebalance  has put up a comprehensive timeline on development of gold standard. However, the gold standard ended on August 15, 1971. That's when Nixon changed the dollar/gold relationship to $38 per ounce. He no longer allowed the Fed to redeem dollars with gold. That made the gold standard meaningless. The U.S. government repriced gold to $42 per ounce in 1973 and then decoupled the v...