Nest Ordinals with Functions
This will enhance the ordinals expansion greatly as they are currenyly expanded based on multiplication and exponentiation only.
Part I: Up Arrow & Ordinals for Sequential Functions
- The up arrow notation can be added to ordinals in the form of fα↑kβ(n), where f is FGH fundamental sequence function, where k and n are positive integers; α and β are ordinals.
- Similar to expansion of ordinals, α↑kβ is right associative (expanding from right to left).
- fα↑kβ+1(n) = f...(((α↑kβ)↑kβ)↑kβ)...(n) (with n copies of ↑k 's).
- All other rules shall follow the rules of Up Arrow and the rules of ordinal expansion.
- fω↑ω(2) = fω↑2(2) = fω2(2) = ...
- fω↑↑ω(2) = fω↑↑2(2) = fωω(2) = fω2(2) = ...
- fω↑↑(ω+1)(2) = f((ω↑↑ω)↑↑ω)(2) = f((ω↑↑ω)↑↑2)((2) = ...
- fε0↑↑↑ε0(2)
- = fε0↑↑↑ωω(2)
- = fε0↑↑↑ω2(2)
- = fε0↑↑↑ω2(2)
- = fε0↑↑↑ω+ω(2)
- = fε0↑↑↑ω+2(2)
- = f((ε0↑↑↑ω+1)↑↑↑ω+1)(2)
- = f(((ε0↑↑↑ω+1)↑↑↑ω)↑↑↑ω)(2)
- = ...
- fφ(ω,0)↑↑ω(2)
- = fφ(ω,0)↑↑2(2)
- = fφ(ω,0)φ(ω,0)(2)
- = fφ(ω,0)φ(2,0)(2)
- = fφ(ω,0)φ(1,φ(1,0))(2)
- = ...
- fφ(ω,0)↑↑↑ω(3)
- = fφ(ω,0)↑↑↑3(3)
- = fφ(ω,0)↑↑φ(ω,0)↑↑φ(ω,0)(3)
- = fφ(ω,0)↑↑φ(ω,0)↑↑φ(3,0)(3)
- = fφ(ω,0)↑↑φ(ω,0)↑↑φ(2,φ(2,φ(2,0)))(3)
- = ...
Part II: Multi-nested Ordinals for Sequential Functions
- In general form, for ordinals or nested ordinals α, γ and λ, positive integer a:
- fα↑λγ(n) is right-associative.
- fα↑λ+1a(n) = fα↑λα↑λ ... α↑λα(n) (with a copies of α's).
- All other rules shall follow the rules of Part I above.
Part III: Non-Sequential Functions
- The definition is similar to ordinals as subscripts, so I'll just go straight to examples.
- For positive integer n and non-negative integer k, assign g(n) = n+1, then
- gω(2) = g2(2) = g(g(2)) = 4.
- gω+1(2) = gω(gω(2)) = gω(4) = g4(4) = 8.
- gω+k(n) = fk+1(n) of FGH.
- gϵ0(2) = gωω(2) = gω2(2) = gω+2(2) = gω+1(gω+1(2)) = gω+1(8) = ...
- Obviously all ordinals are applicable and g(n) can be any non-sequential function, including G(n), n(k), TREE(n), SCG(n), Tar(n), D(k), Σ(n), etc.
Part IV: Nested Ordinals for Non-Sequential Functions
- Nested Ordinal are basically the same as Part I and II above.
1- For positive integer n and non-negative integer k, assign g(n) = n+1, then- gω↑ωω+1(2) = g((ω↑ωω)↑ωω)(2) = g((ω↑ωω)↑22)(2) = ...
Part V: Chain of Nested Ordinals for All Functions
- From Part I to IV above, a chain of nested ordinals can be defined as it is right associative.
- For any ordinal or nested ordinal O, this is expressed as gOO@a(n) = gOOO ... OOO(n) (with a pairs of OO 's, where a is positive integer).
1- Using sequential function of FGH:
- fω↑ωωω(2) = fω↑ωω2(2) = fω↑ωω(fω↑ωω(2)) = fω↑ωω(fω↑22(2)) = fω↑ωω(fωω(2)) = ...
Part VI: Nest CEN with OCFs
- General form is UOCF(Expressions), where OCF (Ordinal Collapsing Function) can be Veblen's 𝝋, Buchholz's 𝜓, Rathjen's 𝜓, Taranovsky's C, etc. Here I only used Taranovsky's C as example, as it is the largest ordinal for computable functions.
- The example below used Taranovsky's C, which is defined in here.
- For Tar. C, C(1,0) = ⍵; for nested U system, UC(1,0) = U(Σ).
- For Tar. C, C(𝛀1,0) = ε0 = ⍵⍵⍵...; for nested U system, UC(𝛀1,0) = (U(Σ))(U(Σ))(U(Σ))....
- The largest ordinal for Tar. C is C(C(...C(𝛀n2,0)...,0),0); for nested U system, it is UC(C(C(...C(𝛀n2,0)...,0),0)).
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