What Will Happen If Biden and Dems Win? 如果拜登和民主黨勝出將怎樣?

2021~2024: Biden and Dems will reverse all anti-CCP (China Communist Party) EOs that Trump has put in place and more. This will result in:

  1. America rejoining WHO, all tariffs on China goods will be lifted, end of US-Sino cold war;
  2. lifting bans on Chinese companies/apps and allowing full blown CCP infiltration and Socialism/Marxism indoctrination among Americans;
  3. military weakening due to greatly reduced budget allocation;
  4. military pulling out from South China Sea and elsewhere, leaving allies like Taiwan, ASEAN, Japan, South Korea and India to stand on its own;
  5. rapid technology transfer to China and mounting trade deficit in US;
  6. America will depend on China more than before so much so that CCP can control Americans with ease.
2021~2030: As a result of Biden and Dems actions, CCP will now:

  1. be world no. 1 economy, with digital CNY replacing USD as world dominant currency;
  2. be military giant with advanced weaponary at its disposal;
  3. attack and conquer Taiwan, formally take over South China Sea and East China Sea;
  4. exert full control on major nations, including America, via economic, political and military might, plus CCP proxies like UN, World Bank, IMF, WTO, WHO, etc;
  5. launch unrestricted warfare against disobedient nations until they surrender;
  6. full blown Communism/Marxism indoctrination of the world, no dissident is allowed.

p.s. unrestricted warfare = conventional warfare + unconentional/illegal warfare (e.g. biochem weapons, assassinations, stirring civil wars, etc)

2024~2030: With America, Five Eyes Alliance, G7 and EU under its full control, CCP will use this as leverage to force Russia to submit to it.

2030~: At this point, there will be New World Order with CCP as the world government. Proxies like UN, World Bank, IMF, EU, WTO, WHO, etc are no longer needed. Under CCP, you will lose your citizen and constitution rights, no more election, no human rights, no property rights because everything, including your lives, belong to CCP. Two possibilities will emerge when CCP reaches this pinnacle of power:

  1. (80% chance) CCP, with its absolute power, will manage the globe poorly. All religions and faiths will be banned, only allow teachings of Marxism. Cultural diversity is not allowed as well, i.e. no LGBT and others. Natural resources everywhere will be depleted at alarming rate, man-made accidents and disasters will be frequent, environment will deteriorate, innovation will dwindle. To control world population, CCP may implement something similar to Hunger Game.
  2. (20% chance) CCP successfully force people of the world to unite toward building Kardashev Type 1 civilization. Humans will harvest natural energy for global and inter-planetary use. Natural and man-made disasters will be reduced to its minimum.
Nope, don't even think about fighting against CCP, resistence will be futile when China takes over America as world dominant power. Actually there won't be any rival come close to it when Russia succumbs.

Forget about turning things around in 2024 election when you found out how terrible it was, by then CCP will be too powerful to be stopped by any POTUS, even Trump. Elections in 2028 and beyond will just be for show if there is still any, as America will be fully controlled by CCP puppet government.

There won't be alternative outcome. CCP will surely rule the world if not defeated. Neither will there be power sharing between CCP and Dems; all will be its servants. There will be no Illuminati, no Rothschild or any other secret society, only CCP rules the world in an unprecedented and absolute autocrat way !!


In 2020 election, America and the world face the most critical pivot point in human history, beyond which there is no return. So:
  1. vote Biden if you want CCP to rule the world;
  2. vote Trump to defeat CCP.
Your choice.

2021~2024: 拜登和民主黨將撤銷特朗普反共行政令和其他相關法令。這將造成:

  1. 美國重新加入世衛,撤銷所有關稅,美中冷戰結束;
  2. 撤銷所有對華app禁令,中共全面滲透美國,並對美國人進行洗腦工程;
  3. 大力削減預算軍費,軍力因此大幅削弱;
  4. 美軍退出南海,東海和其他地區,孤立戰略夥伴;
  5. 美中科技轉移加速,美國對華赤字加劇攀升;
  6. 美國將更依賴中國以致中共可輕易控制美國人。

2021~2030: 由於拜登和民主黨的一系列動作,中共將;

  1. 成為世界第一經濟國,電子人民幣將取代美元成為世界主要貨幣;
  2. 成為擁有先進武器的軍事大國;
  3. 武統台灣,正式併吞南海,東海;
  4. 通過經濟,政治,軍事力量和中共國際代理(聯合國,世銀,國際貨幣基金,世貿,世衛等國際組織),對包括美國在內的世界大國加以控制;
  5. 對不聽話的國家進行超限戰,至到他們屈服;
  6. 全面對世界進行洗腦工程,不允許任何異見。

註:超限戰 = 傳統戰爭 + 非傳統/非法戰爭(譬如 生化武器, 暗殺, 挑起內戰等等)


2030~: 到了這階段,由中共統治的新世界秩序已成立,中共已不需要聯合國,世銀,國際貨幣基金,世貿,世衛等代理。在中共統治下,你將失去公民權和國家憲法,沒有投票權,沒有財產權,因為所有一切都屬於中共,包括你的性命。這時候將有兩種可能:

  1. (80% 概率)手握絕對權力,中共將搞砸地球。禁止所有宗教信仰,只傳播馬克思主義。多元文化不被允許,譬如彩虹同志群體等等將被禁。加速消耗自然資源,人禍連連,嚴重破壞環境,創新每況愈下。同時中共也許會舉辦類似飢餓遊戲以控制世界人口。
  2. (20% 概率)中共成功逼使全人類團結,建立K氏第一類文明。這時候人類將充分利用自然能源,並讓自然災害和人禍降至最低。




  1. 如果你要中共統治世界,支持拜登;
  2. 如果你要擊垮中共,支持特朗普。


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